Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sketti Bread

The hubby and kids LOVE this meal!  It is super easy to make.

You will need...

  • 1 can of pillsbury bread
  • 1 lbs. hamburger
  • 1 jar of tomatoes sauce
  • 1 package of thin spaghetti noodles
  • 1 can of mushrooms drained (optional)
  • garlic salt (enough for sprinkling on top of the bread after braided)
  • 2 cups shredded cheese
How to make...

  1. Start boiling the noodles..
  2. While noodles are boiling use a skillet and cook the hamburger (adding any spices you would like)..
  3. When hamburger is almost finished add the can of drained mushrooms..
  4. When noodles, hamburger/mushroom mix are finished put into a large bowl.
  5. Add the sauce to the burger/noodle mix. 
  6. Mix this well.
  7. Roll out the bread dough on a jelly roll pan and fill the center with the hamburger/noodle mix.
  8. Top the mix with some shredded cheese.
  9. Cut the sides about 2 inches in then criss-cross them to "close" the bread.
  10. Sprinkle some cheese and garlic on the top of the closed bread.
  11. Bake as direct on the bread package.
  12. When it is finished let cool.
  13. Once cooled cut like a bread loaf and enjoy!

**We made this for my son's 3rd birthday and was a HUGE hit at the party!

*** I have also followed the same steps for the bread, but you fill it with cooked chicken cubes, cheese and broccoli.


  1. The bread looks like a good recipe....newest follower. Got your link from the Blah Blah group. WOuld love a follow back
